Taung North West

塔翁是南非西北省的一个小镇。塔翁在当地原住民语言茨瓦纳语的意思是“狮子之地”,得名于当地过往一位名叫“狮子”的酋长。 当初塔翁小童 …
塔翁是南非西北省的一个小镇。塔翁在当地原住民语言茨瓦纳语的意思是“狮子之地”,得名于当地过往一位名叫“狮子”的酋长。 当初塔翁小童发现之时,雷蒙德·达特提出了Osteo-Dento-Keratic文化假说,认为塔翁小童是被其他人科生物杀死的。其后,later work by C.K. "Bob" Brain demonstrated that the child was probably killed by some sort of mammalian carnivore such as a leopard. Recently, however, studies of the associated baboons by Ron Clarke and Lee Berger, and identification of specific marks on the Taung Child skull have demonstrated that the Taung Child may have been killed and eaten by a large bird of prey.


数据来源: zh.wikipedia.org