A Dhaka court has indicted Dhallywood actress Pori Moni and issued an arrest warrant against her in a case filed on charges of assault, vandalism, and intimidation of businessman Nasir Uddin Mahmood.
A Dhaka court has issued an arrest warrant against actress Pori Moni after framing charges in a case filed by businessman Nasir Uddin Mahmood for alleged assault and death threats. Dhaka's Chief ...
The chief prosecutor of the U.N.'s International Criminal Court is seeking an arrest warrant for the Taliban chief for suspected crimes against humanity.
Charges have been filed against a West Carroll Township man accusing him of gunning down a 22-year-old man in Johnstown's West End on Thursday night. Johnstown police have filed an arrest warrant for ...
Harun planned and executed mass killings by firing indiscriminately from helicopters to suppress the student movement in July-August last year, the prosecution says ...