Workman snagged a state record before it was broken again, but repeated as PIAA Class 3A champion in the 100 freestyle on ...
State College's Molly Workman, center, stands atop of the podium after repeating as state champion for the 50 free during the ...
Huggins, a senior, became State High’s fastest swimmer ever in the 200 freestyle by setting a school record and earning a ...
LEWISBURG — State College’s Molly Workman, the defending PIAA Class 3A champion in the 50 freestyle, highlights a contingent ...
PIAA Class 3A Girls Swimming & Diving Results At Bucknell University 100 freestyle - 1. Molly Workman, State College, 48.85, PIAA Record; 2. Sarah Parker, Hatboro-Horsham, 50.42; 3. Eve Phillips, ...