2002; Mahaisavariya et al., 2002). The following steps were conducted in order to examine whether the medial and lateral FMH grooves are parallel or dis-parallel: – The first metatarsal's body ...
Acute avulsion fracture of the base of the first metatarsal is a rare occurrence, caused by an eccentric contraction of the peroneus longus tendon insertion. A number of case reports have been ...
A short first metatarsal can lead to transfer metatarsalgia of the second and third metatarsal heads and is unsightly. Many people elect to undergo a lengthening procedure, but metatarsal lengthening ...
Background Metatarsus primus elevatus involves dorsal elevation of the first metatarsal relative to the lesser metatarsals. The role of metatarsus primus elevatus in rheumatoid forefoot deformity is ...
Able-bodied Subjects,Average Classification Accuracy,Biceps Femoris,Changes In Muscle,Classification Accuracy,Confusion Matrix,First Metatarsal,Force Myography,Force Sensitive Resistors,Gait ...