为解决 2D NMR 预测因注释数据有限而面临的挑战,研究人员开展了关于预测 HSQC 交叉峰的研究。他们提出 TransPeakNet 框架,结果显示该框架预测效果佳。这对有机化学等领域的结构解析意义重大,推荐科研读者阅读。 在科学的奇妙世界里,核磁共振(NMR)光谱 ...
Our 600 and 800 MHz Bruker nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers are available for unassisted use by trained users, and user training in simple 1D and 2D NMR data acquisition and analysis is ...
Of the homonuclear broadband decoupling methods, there are 2D J-resolved methods, and methods based on constant time evolution methods, bilinear rotational decoupling, time-reversal, and ...
It is vital to exploit both in NMR spectroscopy. While 2D NMR is frequently employed to enhance the resolution over 1D experiments, this can negatively affect the S/N and signal-to-artifact ratios.
In addition, the NMR suite supports: Computer-assisted structural elucidation. Highly sensitive, high resolution 1D and 2D data on < 60 nanomoles. High throughput, allowing structural elucidation to ...
The NMR facility in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences is equipped with five instruments at 400MHz (4) and 500MHz (1), capable of performing a range of measurements, including: We ...
Nanalysis Scientific Corp. ("the Company", TSXV: NSCI, OTCQX: NSCIF, FRA: 1N1), a leader in portable NMR instruments and imaging technology and services for industrial and research applications, ...
This multi-channel benchtop NMR spectrometer has been designed to obtain high-performance 1D and 2D NMR data in a simple and fast manner. Apart from the standard 1H/19F, 1H/13C, and 1H/31P ...
Beginner NMR users can use pre-set data acquisition selections ... thus providing users access to the wide-ranging TopSpin library of 1D and 2D homonuclear and proton-carbon heteronuclear ...