Many homes were custom-made to fit the special constraints of a property, such as the Austin ADU with a cantilevered section of foundation designed to protect the roots of an adjacent pecan tree ...
That scar is an artifact of a process called grafting, or fusing two separate pieces of wood into a new tree. From citrus to peaches, almost all fruit trees are grafted, and so are pecans. Some ...
If you’ve recently purchased a fruit or nut tree — or if you already have one in your home landscape — take a close look at the trunk near the soil surface. You might see a faint scar where ...
Oak and pecan tree saplings are being given away by Cass-Morgan Farm Bureau through a partnership with Living Lands & Waters, a group dedicated to protecting, preserving and restoring nature. Those ...
Scab causes black spots and streaks on pecan husks, and nuts from affected trees do not fill in well. If you’ve ever noticed an older pecan tree that no longer yields good-quality nuts — or pr ...
Texas settlers looked around them and saw, on the banks of almost every river and stream, pecan groves that seemed to stretch into infinity. Without compunction they chopped the trees down to grow ...
Pecans health benefits are exceptional! Tasty, buttery yet rich-flavored pecans are some of the most popular edible tree nuts ...
And while Geoff jokes that pecan trees are “just cows that don’t walk”, the journey from livestock producer to horticulturalist has not been for the faint hearted. In three years of ...
I had a relatively minor limb cut from my pecan tree less than one year ago. Now there seems to be a very large amount of bark falling from the trunk following recent winds. I don’t know that it ...
Viewer Joseph, reached out to the KHOU 11 Verify team to ask: Can the blooming or budding of pecan trees signal the end of winter? To verify, we talked to Dr. Monte Nesbitt, a professor of ...