These are atomic force microscope images and chemical structures of a molecule before and after it reacts on a surface. The structures of the two major products of the reaction were unexpected ...
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) obtains high resolution images by using a nanoscale cantilever to feel the surface a little ...
Contact mode is the simplest AFM mode conceptually and is the basis for a variety of other modes. It is the fastest of all topographic methods, capable of obtaining some of the highest resolution ...
3D deposition and dissolution of copper on Au(111). 3D AFM images (time series) showing the growth and dissolution of a single Cu cluster. All images have a lateral size of 2 µm × 2 µm and a ...
That’s right. printing atomic force microscope images. The AFM image above is of a hydrogel, a network of polymers that’s mostly water, but has a huge number of crosslinked polymers.
Kanazawa University’s Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI) is now accepting proposals from industry partners for ...
Robert "Bobby" Meyers, a founding member of the American Film Market who had a long long career in indie movies, sales and distribution, died March 2 at 90.