It's been six months (yes, really) since we were first introduced to the Zen 5 CPU architecture with the Ryzen 9000 series ...
These new AMD Threadripper CPUs with 24 and 32 cores aren't likely to be the best gaming CPUs out there, but they will be ...
随着AI算力需求的爆发式增长,处理器接口技术正经历结构性变革。传统CPUSocket生态长期由Intel/AMD主导,而NVIDIA即将推出的B300系列AIGPU首次采用Socket设计,为连接器行业开辟新赛道。这一技术迭代不仅挑战现有竞争格局,更推动高密度连接与模块化设计成为未来趋势。一、CPUSocket:高密度连接演进下的生态重构在CPU领域 ...
AMD EXPO is the company's version of Intel's XMP (Extreme Memory Profile) technology which overclocks RAM. Team Blue first ...
AMD announced the expansion of its x86 embedded processor portfolio with the introduction of 5th Gen AMD Epyc Embedded processors.
AMD has introduced the 5th Gen AMD EPYC Embedded 9005 Series processors, designed for embedded markets that require ...
映泰近期推出了其最新款M-ATX规格主板——B850MT2-E DJ,这款主板专为AMD Ryzen 7000/8000/9000系列处理器打造,展现了映泰在主板设计上的最新技术实力。 在电力供应方面,B850MT2-E DJ主板采用了高效的8相供电设计,确保处理器在高负荷下也能稳定运行。主板配备了AMD Socket ...