各位家长们,今天咱来唠唠这几个在国际教育里常常听到的 “热词”——A-Level、IB、AP 和 OSSD。你是不是正为孩子的国际教育路线犯愁,不知道该选哪条路好呢?别着急,这几个课程体系就像是不同的交通工具,都能带着孩子驶向国外大学的大门,但它们走的路线、速度和乘坐体验可都不太一样哦。咱先一起来看看它们到底有啥区别,这样你就能根据自家孩子的情况,挑出那个最适合的 “车” 啦!
Menu AP, IB, and CLEP Credit Transferology Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways International Credit Information about the test scores and subjects for which Miami University awards credit can be found ...
Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exam scores must be sent directly to the CU Boulder Office of Admissions by the testing agency. AP and IB credit will be automatically ...
Purdue provides course equivalency information for AP, IB, and A-level exam scores which may be used to meet the requirements of a student's degree program. Students will work with their academic ...
Students who received a score of 4 or 5 on the English Literature and Composition AP examination or a score of 6 or 7 on the English HL IB examination have a choice of course credit at WMU. Please ...
William & Mary's school code for the TOEFL is 5115. LANGUAGE TESTING W&M accepts credit based on AP/IB exam scores and completion of A-Levels. Typically, a score of 4 or 5 on an AP exam or a score of ...