通过对混合时间的估计,结合历史记载,研究人员推测傅大门个体很可能是来自布哈拉的粟特人后裔。他们沿着丝绸之路迁徙至古代中国,并在军事和政治领域崭露头角。这一推测与南北朝至隋唐时期的历史背景相契合,当时丝绸之路贸易繁荣,大量粟特人涌入中国。同时,傅大门人群中广泛存在的中原相关血统,有力地证明了与汉族的通婚在胡人汉化过程中发挥了关键作用。从单倍型类群分析结果来看,西欧亚的男性和女性均参与了向古代中国的迁 ...
Colors intermediate between two pigments cannot be obtained by their admixture. Gamboge and Prussian blue, for instance, make, by admixture or superposition, a green, darker than either the yellow ...
To continue providing the exceptional solutions GCP’s customers rely on, at the levels of service they require, it is necessary to increase prices up to 10% for all concrete admixture and fiber ...