Printing is restricted to KGCOE Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) majors and minors and students taking ISE courses. GOS-1365 Gosnell Windows Computer Lab/Classroom Room GOS-1365, located on ...
The Advanced Mechanics Lab is an academic teaching space for Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering Technology Experimental Methods courses. The Lab includes four non-magnetic frame assemblies, with ...
The Advanced Technology Lab (ATL) is located on the lower level of the Charles E. Shain Library room A26. It is open during normal library hours. It provides audio, video, and graphics hardware and ...
Three computer labs are located in Shain Library: the PC Electronic Classroom, the Davis Electronic Classroom, and the Advanced Technology Lab (ATL). When not in use for instruction, these labs are ...
Week 10: Project Presentations. COMPUTER USAGE: As required for the course project and assignments. LABORATORY PROJECT: An extensive individual or group project on an advanced topic in computer ...
This virtual laboratory offers a 16-processor Linux cluster computer that can be accessed remotely from any computer in the departmental network. The computer utilizes a message-passing interface for ...
Week 10: Project Presentations. COMPUTER USAGE: As required for the course project and assignments. LABORATORY PROJECT: An extensive individual or group project on an advanced topic in computer ...