LUCKNOW Late Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, also known as the ‘Ajatshatru’ of Indian politics, was paid a poetic tribute by writer Kumar Vishwas through his creations during a mega ...
The CM described Vajpayee as the ‘Ajatshatru' of Indian politics, praising him for his spontaneity and simplicity, which endeared him to people across all sections of society. At the health fair ...
also known as the ‘Ajatshatru’ of Indian politics, was paid a poetic tribute by writer Kumar Vishwas through his creations during a mega programme ‘Atal Geet Ganga’ , on the eve of the ...
Therefore, the RSS does not view its detractors as enemies. It considers itself as ‘Ajatshatru’ (the one without an enemy). 5. The most important principle is that one cannot understand the ...