In October 2023, Zhang brought Juncao grass seeds to Mauritania from a field in China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. He ...
AGRICULTURAL AND FARM NEWS PEAQ Stick measuring and scissors-cut sampling will take place in the region to help alfalfa producer’s gauge cutting first crop alfalfa. According to Dan Martens, ...
This widely adapted perennial legume is grown in every state in the US. Alfalfa does best on soils with fine to medium textures that are moderately to well drained and neutral or higher in pH. It ...
Doug Holen, Extension Educator in Crops, U of M Extension.  To address key forage production and management issues in Minnesota, a series of forage workshops ...
The stress of forage season is officially underway for farmers across the country. With alfalfa being one of the most important forage crops on the farm and feed prices on the rise, it’s ...
This year, the conference will focus on alfalfa production, establishment, pest control and variety selection, as well as ...
They’re testing whether those stand-ins for alfalfa — known as the “queen of forage” — resist drought better and grow in Colorado using less water. The sheer quantity of precious ...
Forage growers looking for more flexibility, higher quality and increased yield potential have a proven option to add to their growing portfolio. HarvXtra Alfalfa gives growers more choices in how ...
Farmers could be paid not to make hay while the sun shines, per a new Imperial Irrigation District payment schedule and other ...
HarvXtra Alfalfa provides growers with flexibility to choose between maximizing quality, maximizing yield, or finding a balance between the two. Forage growers looking for more flexibility ...