It is increasingly clear that both sides of the Atlantic have a key strategic divergence that could further widen the gap ...
POLAND has urged Donald Trump to hand over nuclear weapons as it turns itself into Europe’s frontline fortress. Warsaw is ...
“W E WOULD BE safer if we had our own nuclear arsenal,” Donald Tusk, Poland’s prime minister, told his country’s parliament ...
Poland Rejects EU Pact as Trump-Style Anti-Migrant Sentiment Rises | Firstpost America | N18G Poland's defiance of the EU ...
Expanding the nuclear-sharing program to Warsaw would send a clear message to Putin: any attack on Poland would be a ...
The move would reassure Poland that the United States “will ... should be certified to “carry out deterrence missions” with America’s B-61 tactical nukes. What could possibly go wrong?
Poland's President Duda called on the U.S. to deploy nuclear weapons to his nation as a deterrent to any possible attack by Russia.
In Poland, people respected my title and toughness ... So, I doubled down, knowing I'd have to do 2-3 times as much work. Luckily, people in America were also much more generous about sharing ...