This map shows the approximate location of the major tribes who lived in Britain at the time of the Roman Conquest of Britain in the First Century AD. The sole source for the existence and ...
Among the Samurai sect, there is a tradition that their ancient ancestors came to Japan from western Asia around 660 BC.The name 'Samurai' recalls 'Samaria'. And to which tribe do the Japanese belong?
The new findings contradict previous assertions that Ashkenazi mitochondrial lineages originated in the Near East, or from mass conversions to Judaism in the Khazar kingdom, an empire in the north ...
This clip is from the series Ancient Voices. Could be used to explore Iron Age life by asking the question, ‘Why did this tribe take so much trouble to make Maiden Castle so secure?’ ...
The Arapaho Tribe apparently migrated into its historical homelands of Colorado and Wyoming from the northeast. Tribal history tells of a crossing of a great frozen river to the north sometime in the ...
researchers then suggested that links between ancient Indians and Australian Aboriginal tribes were based on measurements of the human body. "This was one of the supports which we were building ...