The Purdue Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee and the Laboratory Animal Program perform distinct and complementary roles to ensure animal well-being in research, testing, and teaching. The ...
In Germany, animal research is primarily carried out in the areas of basic research, medicine and veterinary medicine. Animal research can also be required to identify factors that pose a risk to the ...
Animal experimentation is a crucial component of scientific research and education. Most advances in modern biomedical science can be traced back to original studies in animals. The university ...
The use of animals in research is very carefully regulated. Any research facility that wants to undertake animal research in the UK must also apply to the Home Office for a licence and must have an ...
At Manchester we're committed to research excellence and impact, as we look to bring positive change in societies and environments across the globe. To pursue this commitment, we accept that animals ...
Wherever possible, our research relies on computer models, human volunteers or cells grown in the laboratory. However, these methods are not suitable in every instance. That’s why, when absolutely ...
The University of Helsinki is committed to communicating openly and transparently about the animals it uses in research and teaching, as well as their welfare and care. Three main principles For ...
Animal research at the University of Alabama at Birmingham is accredited by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC), is registered as a ...
The University of Sheffield has a longstanding and world-leading reputation for research excellence. Find details of animal research case studies, facts and figures and details of our transparency and ...
Animal researchers need to close all aspects of their research when retiring from the university or departing for other institutions.