The plane crash in Air Force One and Henry Cavill's non-mustache are among the worst, most distracting CGI moments in movies.
In an age where digital effects and computer-generated imagery (CGI) dominate the world of animation, it’s easy to overlook the hand-drawn, frame-by-frame techniques that once defined the medium.
In many ways, Shrek changed the animated film industry. Not only did it help establish CGI and DreamWorks Animation, but it was also the first film to win the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.
Similarly, a lot of CGI animation in movies involves series of drawings or renderings on a computer screen. These are used to create that same illusion to make something look photo-realistic.
Within the world of computer-generated imagery, or CGI, animation, there are multiple specialties, including 3D modeling, rigging and lighting. Community college or vocational school animation ...
Stars Collective and Shanghai's El Pajaro Pictures unite to create new animated adaptation of 'The Little Prince,' blending ...