I was in a reproduction of the secret annex to the canal house where Anne Frank hid for 761 days during ... van Pels that included a ladder up to the attic where Anne and Peter shared their ...
what was done to Anne Frank.” The Frank family hid with other Jews for two years in the attic of patriarch Otto Frank’s office in Amsterdam as the Nazi German army occupied the Netherlands ...
Shalom Auslander’s novel “Hope: A Tragedy,” in which a couple moves to upstate New York to find an aging Anne Frank living in their attic, is, conversely, a profitably outlandish riff on her ...
The Frank family was Jewish and left Germany to ... Otto resisted by making a secret hiding place for his family in an attic. Anne and her family hid there for 761 days, over two years.
The Frank family was Jewish and left Germany to ... Otto resisted by making a secret hiding place for his family in an attic. Anne and her family hid there for 761 days, over two years.
Vodnoy, a former professor of strings and music history at Northern State University in South Dakota who co-founded the ...
Justin Vellucci Monday, May 6, 2024 5:51 p.m. | Monday, May 6, 2024 5:51 p.m. Hiding from Nazis in an Amsterdam annex, Anne Frank peered out an attic window and saw a white horse chestnut tree ...
In Nazi-occupied Holland in World War II, shopkeeper Kraler hides two Jewish families in his attic. Young Anne Frank keeps a diary of everyday life for the Franks and the Van Daans, chronicling ...
An impassioned drama about the lives of eight people hiding from the Nazis in a concealed storage attic, THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK captures the claustrophobic realities of their daily existence ...