the manner in which official communications and response efforts were implemented during the anthrax attacks (e.g., changing spokespersons, messages, etc.) compounded potential anxiety and ...
His story-telling abilities rank with those of Richard Preston, without ever losing sight of the science. His detailed case histories and time-lines flesh out the familiar media reports of the October ...
An outbreak of anthrax has killed at least 50 ... of the 9/11 attacks when it was sent out in the mail. Five Americans were ...
Netflix’s shocking new documentary The Anthrax Attacks tells the story of poison ... You can manage your subscriptions at any time from an email or from a MyStylist account.
As public health agencies continue to prepare for a future bioterrorism event, the interviews with victims of the anthrax attacks highlight several important limitations to public health actions.
Investigative reporter Willman deftly chronicles how Bruce Ivins’ life of suspicions and obsessions merged with the panicked atmosphere following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and led to the anthrax ...