In January, the Congolese national authority in charge of the country’s protected areas issued a controversial directive asking its partner primate sanctuary to send juvenile chimpanzees to the ...
The Democratic Republic of Congo is home to three Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA)-accredited ape sanctuaries, including the Lwiro sanctuary, which was set up by the ICCN and the Natural ...
We don't just have sex to reproduce—new research suggests that using sex to manage social tension could be a trait that ...
Ape Initiative is home to seven bonobos born under human care before arriving at the research center and sanctuary. Related: Jane Goodall Celebrates Turning 90 with a Message About Animals ...
According to a release from the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance's (NAPSA), Chimpanzees in Need campaign, before moving into Florida's Center for Great Apes, the primates resided at a ...
Seeking justice for his fellow inmates, Caesar gives the fellow apes the same drug that he inherited. He then assembles a simian army and escapes the sanctuary - putting man and ape on a collision ...
The team found that both bonobos and chimpanzees used sex in similar ways to ease tension and reaffirm social bonds before feeding. Bonobos also often had sex more after fights to repair social ...