It was found that genes related to lipid metabolism were activated shortly ... mice showed that although VLDL levels decreased, apolipoprotein E (ApoE)-a component of VLDL-rapidly increased.
High cholesterol levels can pose significant risks to health, including affecting memory. Research highlights a link between ...
Whereas the role of APOE in lipid metabolism is well characterized, the specific metabolic signatures of the APOE isoforms during metabolic disorders, remain unclear. After a 4-h fast, animals ...
Apolipoproteins (apo) such as apoB, apoC and apoE, coat lipoprotein particles ... Apolipoproteins have many roles in lipid metabolism, which are presented in Table II. Table III lists several ...
The APOE region or locus is a segment of DNA with several genes ... Most of these genes form part of biological pathways that have been implicated in AD pathology, including lipid metabolism, the ...
The importance of interplays between genetic and environmental factors, including diet and lifestyle, in determining lipid metabolism has been well acknowledged; and evidence of gene–diet ...
Apolipoprotein E (apoE), a crucial glycoprotein in CNS lipid metabolism, particularly its apoE4 isoform, significantly influences AD pathogenesis by affecting lipid-binding properties and impairing Aβ ...
We hypothesise that ApoE-KO mice fed on a high fat diet, in comparison to those fed a normal diet and the wild type (non-atherosclerotic) mice, will demonstrate reduced collagen density and ...