What does this mean for us? The team plans to examine axons in human brain tissue, focusing on samples from individuals with neurodegenerative diseases. They hope this work will reveal whether ...
My current research is focused on sympathetic innervation in adipose tissue. Mobilization of fat depots is triggered via direct stimulation ... Mastick, Ph.D., in the Department of Biology at the ...
The hypothesis that it disrupts the function of retinal ganglion cell axons by increasing mechanical forces on the lamina cribrosa of the optic nerve head has received considerable experimental ...
Axons are the cables that connect our brain tissue, enabling learning, memory and other functions,” added Watanabe. “A wider space in the axons allows ions [chemical particles] to pass through ...
1a). Figure 1: Treatment with chondroitinase ABC enhanced dopaminergic nigrostriatal axon regeneration in vivo. Finally, the mean number of TH-immunoreactive cell bodies in the substantia nigra ...