These grades are determined by the USDA, and there's eight in total, but the other five are less common. Not all beef is graded — it's a voluntary service that producers have to pay for.
When shopping for beef, you’ve probably noticed that butchers label the beef with grades: premium, select, choice, canner. Plenty of butchers will boast about their best cuts of beef (these are ...
Smaller meat processing plants across the country are surviving and profiting by producing, and marketing products ...
Both Chipotle and Panera earned high grades, an A and A- respectively, because of both companies' long-standing responsible uses of antibiotics in beef, the report says. The chains early work in ...
BRYAN, Texas (KBTX) - The Texas Aggie Meat Judging Teams competed last weekend at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. They won Reserve Champion Team and 3rd Overall Team. The Aggies delivered an ...
Higher beef-on-dairy pricing suggests opportunities for producers, feedlots and processors New data from the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service is beginning to shed light on the impact of beef and ...