In fact, recent studies suggest that bacteria on your body may strengthen your skin's defense system, but if you never clean your belly button, they'll grow unencumbered, and that can be a problem.
you’ll want to wash at least twice a week. Dr. Kopelman adds that people who work out a lot or wear tight clothing that traps sweat will want to clean their belly button more often.
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A new trend for using fake belly buttons, breasts and buttocks among Chinese women has raised concerns about body image issues on mainland social media. The latest fake body part to take off are ...
which helped carry the lint towards the belly button. Once it fell into the belly button, it wouldn't easily come out again. But perhaps there are some other factors involved . . . Do you have a ...
The latest one involves putting castor oil in your belly button, also known as naval pulling. The fad is making its rounds on social media (most notably on TikTok). Creators on social media claim ...
"During the day I'll spray it under my arms and in my belly button," she added. She said that she also repeated the practice at night when she also puts it on the bottom of her feet. Does applying ...