you must learn how to clean a betta fish tank. Even with a quality aquarium filter, betta tanks can become overwhelmed with nitrates and other toxins if you don't clean them and partially change ...
Read more: How To Read A Temperature Strip On An Aquarium Betta fish have strict aquarium requirements that can make them challenging for beginners to care for. It's a common misconception that ...
This species, with its many varieties, is the most common betta fish found in aquariums and pet stores, but it has more than 70 relatives, including the endangered Betta miniopinna and Betta ...
The changes in water quality make your fish sick then die. Research thoroughly prior to going out and buying a plant for your betta aquarium. The easiest-to-recognize strait of a terrestrial plant is ...
In this post, we will show you how to choose the best 5-gallon Betta tank. The light color doesn’t highlight betta fish a lot This beautiful aquarium is perfect for multiple baby bettas. It comes with ...
They like a warm tank between 70–80°F with plenty of plants. Betta fish are an iconic colorful tropical fish, and very popular home aquariums. They're brightly colored, energetic, and have beautiful ...
One of the coolest freshwater aquarium fish, the Siamese fighting fish, or betta, is a vibrantly-colored fish often swimming solo in brandy sniffers and ornamental vases in the office and home. They ...
Betta Fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are known for their long, flowing fins and vivid colors ranging from reds to blues and purples. The Regal Tang, featuring a bright blue body and yellow ...