Humans aren’t the only ones who are prone to road rage. Scientists have found that certain songbirds in the Galapagos behave ...
Male Galápagos yellow warblers appear to be shifting their behavior and adjusting their calls in response to the din of ...
Throughout the night, great potoos emit a loud, moaning growl that has earned the bird a mythical status, with some ...
How many birds can you name? Many people can name only a few — even people who have bird feeders. Today’s technology however ...
Yellow Warblers that live close to roads in the Galápagos get more aggressive around traffic noises, per a new study ...
Record the sound of every bird species in the country. The mission is not frivolous, though. Many of the birds may soon be ...
Birds adjust their songs and territorial behavior to compete with traffic sounds, even in remote island environments.