This historical war movie was written, directed, and produced by Oscar winner Steve McQueen (Shame, 12 Years a Slave, Widows.) Blitz follows the journey of a young English boy (Elliot Heffernan ...
Steve McQueen's journey to Blitz began with a single image. Though the gripping World War II drama is the 12 Years a Slave filmmaker's largest-scale movie to date, it all sprang out of inspiration ...
Deadline’s Read the Screenplay series highlighting the scripts behind the year’s buzziest awards-season films continues with Steve ... Blitz had its world premiere as the opening movie of ...
When Steve McQueen was casting “Blitz,” his World War II drama about the bombings over London, actress Saoirse Ronan expressed interest. But there was a hitch. The role of a mother in search ...
Two years ago, while gearing up for the production of his latest cinematic venture, Blitz, Oscar-winning director Steve McQueen received life-altering news: he had prostate cancer. It was a ...
Some may have projected those conventions onto Steve McQueen’s Blitz. It is partly true ... You also do not often see women as the focus of movies about the period. Despite the war effort ...
Written and directed by the Oscar-winning McQueen, Apple Original Films’ Blitz had its world premiere as the opening movie of the BFI London Film Festival and closed the New York Film Festival before ...