Despite captive-breeding and reintroduction efforts, this sun-loving coastal butterfly, once common throughout South Florida, is now one of the rarest insect species in North America. The Miami blue ...
Despite captive-breeding and reintroduction efforts, this sun-loving coastal butterfly, once common throughout South Florida, is now one of the rarest insect species in North America. The Miami blue ...
this bright blue butterfly has a short but stunning life. It is thought that the colour helps the males to mark their territories, and acts as a defence against predators. The blue morpho is often one ...
Watching butterflies flitting about in the backyard never gets old. Yet with hundreds of species out there, it can be hard to identify butterflies. Experts know a few tricks, though. Think of this ...
Haiyong Cai (China) notices the shimmery blue colours of eros blue butterflies basking among the vegetation. While wandering through an alpine meadow, Haiyong spotted a patch of blue among the grass.
Silver-studded blue butterflies have been lost from more than 80% of their former habitats in the past century A protected species of butterfly has been reintroduced to its former home after an ...