A thrilling encounter off the coast of Freeport, Bahamas, was captured on video when a tiger shark nearly swallowed a diver's camera during a feeding session. The incident occurred on February 9, when ...
Divers off the Bahamas were treated to an up-close view of the inside of a shark’s mouth when the shark swallowed a camera ... are considered among the "big three," which also includes bull and white ...
A small but fascinating collection of Megalodon teeth exhibit deep bite marks from other Megalodons, raising questions about ...
The bull shark has needle-like teeth that are slightly serrated ... These sharks have small, grasping teeth at the front of the mouth and flat, crushing teeth at the back. Some sharks have teeth that ...
Diver Andrea Ramos Nascimento captured footage showing what it was like to be swallowed whole by a shark after a tiger shark swallowed her camera off the coast of Freeport in the Bahamas on Feb. 9.
"I went, 'Wow, today's the day I die,' " Dave Pearson told ABC's 'Conversations' interview program of the 2011 attack in Australia Dave Pearson is recalling the moment an almost 10-foot bull shark ...
Divers off the Bahamas were treated to an up-close view of the inside of a shark’s mouth when the shark swallowed ... "big three," which also includes bull and white sharks.
WENDELL TEODORO/AFP via Getty A man is opening up about the moment he thought he was going to die after being bitten by an almost 10-foot bull shark while ... gone into its mouth, but the rest ...
Dave Pearson is recalling the moment an almost 10-foot bull ... into its mouth, but the rest of my hand had gone on the outside so it didn't swallow my arm, luckily." "The top teeth just proceeded ...