A CNN account already exists with another third-party platform. If you previously logged in using a different method, please continue using that. It appears a CNN account already exists.
A CNN account already exists with another third-party platform. If you previously logged in using a different method, please continue using that. It appears a CNN account already exists.
本研究针对传统脑电图(EEG)诊断癫痫发作的低效性和易错性问题,提出了一种基于Log-Mel频谱图和卷积神经网络(CNN)的自动化癫痫发作检测方法,显著提升了诊断准确性和效率,为癫痫的实时诊断提供了新的技术思路 癫痫是一种全球超过5000万人受其影响的神经系统 ...
A CNN account already exists with another third-party platform. If you previously logged in using a different method, please continue using that. It appears a CNN account already exists.