The incredible Canon EOS R5 Mark II has just fallen to a new record-low price of $3999 (was $4299) at Adorama, marking the ...
近日有海外消息指出,佳能计划在2025年5月下旬正式发布EOSR6MarkⅢ相机以及两款全新镜头。在此之前,曾有传闻称这款相机可能会在2025年第一季度推出,但根据最新消息,佳能调整了发布计划,将更多资源投入到APS-C画幅 ...
在数字化浪潮席卷全球的当下,相机作为记录影像的重要工具,其功能与可靠性备受专业摄影师关注。近期,法国影像媒体phototrend在CP+展会上对佳能高层进行了专访,就EOS ...
To fully utilize a faster stacked sensor, the EOS R6 Mark III is also going to need a new processor. The EOS R1 / EOS R5 Mark ...
On paper the new Mark II R5 camera offers the same number of megapixels as its predecessor, but they crucially use different processors that make a big difference to image quality and especially ...
Canon's EOS R5 Mark II hybrid full-frame camera dropped last year in July alongside the flagship R1, both absolute powerhouses for pushing vast quantities of data, split-second shooting and detail ...
佳能 EOS R6 Mark II 全画幅微单相机,作为EOS R6的继任者,在连拍、对焦、被摄体检测、视频功能等方面进行了全方位升级,带来更强大的静态摄影与视频录制体验。这款相机配备了新开发的约2420万有效像素全画幅CMOS感应器和高性能DIGIC X数字影像处理器,支持最高40张/秒的全像素高速连拍,并新增HDR[移动被摄体优先]模式,轻松应对高动态范围场景。同时,首次搭载预拍摄功能,可捕捉 ...
去年底关于EOS R6 Mark III的消息热议不断,一度传出佳能将在今年的CP+展会公布新机。然而,佳能最终在今年一季度做出了调整,暂时推迟了EOS R6 Mark III的发布,转而推出一系列APS-C画幅的产品,并很有可能在本月26日发布EOS RV和EOS R50V两款Vlog微单相机。那么,EOS R6 Mark III究竟何时亮相呢?
The S1R II and R5 Mark II actually share a lot of similarities when it comes to their core specifications and features, so which one should you pick? We're bringing you this in-depth Panasonic Lumix ...
Canon unveils the EOS R50 V and RF-S 14-30mm lens, targeting content creators with video-first features at budget-friendly ...
PHOTO QUALITY. This 24-megapixel mirrorless camera captured images with very good quality. Pictures were sharp, which means you can see most details and subtle patterns in the image. In low-light ...
Canon’s own proprietary LP-E6NH battery used in popular cameras such as its EOS R5 Mark I and EOS R6 Mark II costs a cool £119.99, so the costs can really stack up quickly if you require more than one ...