2025年Absa Cape Epic赛事在Meerendal葡萄酒庄园周边的连绵丘陵中拉开帷幕。尽管开赛时天空阴沉,但西开普省的阳光并未被乌云遮蔽太久。随着比赛推进,气温与竞技强度同步攀升,稍晚发车的精英车队以烈火般的节奏点燃赛道。
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After initially denying rumours of a fatality, Cape Epic organisers confirm the tragic death of a cyclist, sparking an ...
Wilier Urta Max SLR 是一款行程为 120mm行程的XC软尾山地车,从在赛场上曝光的图片中很容易看出,原型前叉相比现款最大的改进之处在于叉桥部分的设计,镂空+加强筋的叉桥设计尽可能减轻重量。
This year's Absa Cape Epic mountain bike race which saw 600 teams tackle 603km with 16 500m of climbing over eight days, ...
Ronny Raeymakers has been named as the rider who died of heatstroke while competing in last week’s Cape Epic. He was 51.
Swiss cycling pair Nino Schurter and Filippo Colombo claimed the men’s win while Annika Langvad came out of retirement ...
Local heroes Tristan Nortje and Marco Joubert finally took a well-deserved win on Stage 6 of the Absa Cape Epic.
With two stages to go, the legendary mountain bike stage race lives up to its reputation for punishment, cruelty and absurd temps ...
Organisers of the Cape Epic confirmed on Monday that a cyclist has died after experiencing difficulties on the course during ...
Rachel Kolisi, ex-wife of Springbok captain Siya Kolisi, has announced her intention to participate in next year's Cape Epic.
Discover how Letshego Zulu, the first Black African woman to compete in the Absa Cape Epic, channels her grief into inspiring ...