The African wildcat was first tamed in ancient Egypt some 4,000 years ago, marking the beginning of cat domestication. Cats ...
A deep dive into the Egyptian gods and goddesses (their characteristics, myths, and symbols) who held significant sway over ...
The Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History is home to cat mummies as part of our anthropology collections. Cat coffins and representations of the cat-headed goddess Bastet are among the ...
Perfect for cats with dark, sleek coats, these names honor the mysterious and powerful symbols of ancient Egypt. These names are inspired by the gods and goddesses of Egypt, embodying their divine ...
The gods of old Egypt rule over us here, Bringing us wisdom and wonder and fear. They look like the things that The natural world shapes, Like jackals and beetles and lions. And apes! Babi watched ...
Animals in ancient Egypt were mummified for use as votive offerings. The objects often took the form of the god being offered to—in this case, the croc-headed god Sobek. (From cats to crocodiles ...