Current guidelines recommend that children with acute pyelonephritis are initially treated with a parenteral third-generation cephalosporin such as ceftriaxone, and then oral antibiotics.
Background: Based on case reports in infants, the safety of concomitant use of ceftriaxone and intravenous calcium in all ages has recently come under challenge. Systematic population-based data ...
These data do not support an increased risk for adverse outcomes associated with concomitant ceftriaxone and calcium infusions in adult critically ill patients; however, our study was limited by ...
Historically, ceftriaxone has been the last line of defense, effectively treating both urogenital and pharyngeal infections. However, emerging high-level ceftriaxone-resistant strains ...
Find all the commercial and brand names of generic drug called Ceftriaxone. This is an invaluable reference resource for healthcare professionals, patients, caregivers and anyone in need of ...