叙事驱动黑暗解谜游戏《Centum》官方宣布,该作将于3月12日正式发售,登陆PS5、Xbox、NS、PC平台,该作支持中文。 【游侠网】《Centum》宣传片 游戏 ...
Watch the Launch Trailer for Centum, a horror adventure puzzle RPG developed by Hack The Publisher. Players will progress to ...
Centum has just launched on PC and consoles, inviting players into a world where nothing is quite as it seems. Developed by Serenity Forge, this narrative-driven adventure challenges your perception ...
You're a prisoner in a cell. You have to escape. But is that really the goal? Centum appears to be a point-and-click adventure, but beneath the surface is something altogether different.