Experts have explained what actually happens when we swallow chewing gum and if it really stays in our body for seven years.
Still, don’t get the idea that chewing a few sticks of gum a day is going to melt off the pounds. A few small studies have shown that chewing gum can help you shave calories. But this won’t ...
As children, we were often told countless myths that went unchallenged and were passed off as facts – like bread crust making ...
Studies have shown that chewing a piece of gum before snacks appears to reduce the desire for, and intake of, sweet snacks throughout the day. Chewing a piece of gum while cooking can help keep ...
Of course, we had the off-flavors of licorice and teaberry plus candy-coated Chiclets and probably a few others that I — like most of America — can’t remember. When green chlorophyll-flavored gum came ...
Incorporating gum chewing strategically throughout the day maximizes its benefits. Many people find particular benefit from chewing gum during afternoon energy slumps or before important meetings ...
This article seems funny, though, but I am tempted to do this write-up due to the many female students I have seen who are glued to their gum.