OpenSea 终于要发币了,如果放在三年前,这绝对会是一场万众期待的币圈狂欢,然而今时不同往日,如今的币圈已然是 MemeCoin 的天下,NFT 早已「过气 ...
APENFT aims to turn fine art into NFTs, and NFT is its token. After APENFT announced the launch of an NFT creation platform, ...
According to the report released by the consulting and global research firm VMR (Verified Market Research), the overall value of the NFT market is expected to rise to $231 billion by 2030.
As Hong Kong, China, enters a new stage of development with the return to Chinese sovereignty, it can take confidence from its long-term evolution and its resilience to adverse developments over the ...
Each NFT generally differs in makeup, and therefore likely differs in value as well. In the physical world, U.S. dollars are fungible. No value is forfeited if a person trades any given paper U.S ...
Read through the responses to this week’s Brain Game prompt, and choose which answer you like most. Based on a combination of your votes and YP Editors’ picks, we will eliminate one contestant ...
While anecdotal evidence that the NFT market is beginning to cool abounds, there are no bigger red flags that what’s going on with sales and prices. The average selling price of a non-fungible ...
A day that was not overly positive for the market followed the unexpected excitement caused by President Donald Trump's ...