海峡导报综合报道 台当局“侨委会”17日赴民意机构报告并被质询。国民党民代徐巧芯发现,“侨委会”竟在业务报告中提及,大陆利用春节的英文翻译“Chinese New Year”,将其演变为一种“统战”手法。让她不解发问,什么时候“Chinese New ...
中国台湾网3月17日讯 据台湾“中天新闻网”报道,台当局侨务事务主管部门在其报告中提及,大陆利用春节的英文翻译“Chinese New Year”,将其演变为一种统战手法。对此,中国国民党民代徐巧芯质疑,民进党当局近年来的立场饱含特定意识形态,就英文翻译而言,“Chinese New Year”行之有年,说成是统战太夸张了。
On Friday, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) set the USD/CNY central rate for the trading session ahead at 7.1760 as compared ...
Global investment banks have raised their projections for China's economic growth and eased bearish views on the Chinese ...
China's finance ministry said on Wednesday it would issue up to 6 billion yuan ($829 million) of yuan-denominated sovereign ...
A Chinese bank has promised to lend CNY 20 billion (USD 2.8 billion, EUR 2.6 billion) in the near term to the distant-water ...
Picture this: the office buzzing with excitement, lanterns glowing in red and gold, and the faint sound of laughter mixed ...