Christian hope is not optimism or wishful thinking. Hope is a theological virtue, essential to our faith, pointing us toward our ultimate meaning and end: union with God. As the Church celebrates ...
If someone were to ask you to define or describe what is the hope of the Christian, how would you respond? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines hope as “to cherish a desire with anticipation ...
I am sending my Saint Patrick’s Day message for the Jubilee Year 2025 from Saint Patrick’s Cathedral in New York where I have ...
And Barnabas Aid, a group dedicated to helping the persecuted church, just said this the other day: “At least 47 more ...
The papal preacher urged cardinals and senior officials of the Roman Curia to remain firmly anchored in Christ through lives of humility, conversion and fidelity, especially during the Holy Year, a ...
A bigger boat passed by and offered to help. But he refused, adding, “My hope is in God alone.” A yacht passed by and offered to pick him up. He refused again, saying, “My hope is in God ...
Spes Salvi (Saved in Hope) by Pope Benedict XVI This encyclical beautifully explores the Christian understanding of hope as rooted in the promise of eternal life. Benedict XVI writes ...
Cardinal McElroy highlights Christian hope and compassion in his first homily, stressing care for the most vulnerable and ...
I believe strongly in the Christian convictions I was raised in and hope to share these with the people I work with in my office. Renewed Hope offers: individual, marital, and family sessions.