Some ammonites had long, straight shells, while others had helix-shaped shells. Most species, however, had coiled shells lined with progressively larger chambers separated by thin walls called septa.
The fossilised remains of ammonites were given the name snakestones in England because they resemble coiled snakes turned to stone. Museum palaeontologist Dr Paul Taylor, who has an interest in fossil ...
Before we understood what they were, one of the explanations for ammonites was that they were coiled-up snakes that had been turned to stone, earning them the nickname 'snakestones'. But ammonites ...
Ammonites are extinct marine mollusks that ... In fact, they emerged over 100 million years before octopuses. They had intricate, coiled shells, which often displayed complex suture patterns ...
Fossils found in the northern part of Hokkaido are a new type of ammonite, the once-ubiquitous spiral-shelled creatures that went extinct with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, researchers said.