The 64-bit NX27V is a vector processor with 5-stage scalar pipeline that supports the latest RISC-V specification, including the IMAFD standard instructions, “C” 16-bit compression instructions, ...
In terms of the processor architecture, DSP went from the first-generation VLIW architecture to the second-generation vector processor architecture. The vector processor design was first seen on the ...
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Design and evaluation of modern uniprocessor computing systems. Evaluation methodology/metrics and caveats, instruction set design, advanced pipelining, instruction level ...
RISC-V computer maker DeepComputing has made some of the first laptops, tablets, and other products including a new RISC-V mainboard for Framework’s modular 13 inch laptop.
Intel announced on Monday the launch of its midrange Xeon 6700P and 6500P server CPUs and said its Xeon 6 processors can ...