在现代社会,电子屏幕几乎无处不在,人们的生活和工作都与各种数字终端形影不离。然而,当我们欣然享受追剧、打游戏或工作时,却可能忽视了持续盯着屏幕给我们的眼睛和身体带来了何等负担。最近,湖北的一位白领吴女士因连续熬夜追剧三天,并在工作中长时间注视电脑,最终体验到了视力模糊的痛苦。这一症状被医生诊断为“视频终端综合征”,也让我们不得不思考如何保护自己免受这类健康问题的影响。 什么是视频终端综合征?视频终 ...
Well you could be suffering from what the doctors call computer vision syndrome (CVS). CVS is a temporary condition caused using a computer or staring at a screen for a long time period.
A variety of problems related to prolonged viewing of a computer or mobile screen. Short term effects include dry eyes, blurred vision, mild headaches and eye fatigue. Long term effects include ...
So much so, in fact, that prolonged screentime is now responsible for a group of eye- and vision-related problems known as computer vision syndrome (CVS). Worryingly, the condition can also induce ...
Prolonged computer use can cause various health problems like vision issues, musculoskeletal pain, repetitive stress injuries ...
Eye discomfort and fatigue have become increasingly common in today's digital age, with prolonged screen time and close-up tasks often to blame.  Although not a medical diagnosis, the term "eye strain ...
And our eyes are suffering the consequences. An estimated 58% of people who work on computers experience what's called Computer Vision Syndrome. It's a series of symptoms that include: And long ...