Rutabaga roots are often cooked and eaten and the leaves can also be eaten as a leaf vegetable. Related: Carrot Recipes ...
Keep reading to delve deeper into rutabaga vs. turnip, including how to tell the two apart, and how to cook and enjoy each of ...
Let rutabaga simmer until water is all gone, then continue to cook over medium-high heat, stirring regularly to avoid sticking, until rutabaga is golden brown and crisp-edged, but soft in the ...
The following excerpt is their recipe for Scalloped Rutabaga. The prairie turnip is a root vegetable that prairie Lakota and Sioux harvested for cooking and for trading with nations to the south.
Developed by Vermont farmer John Gilfeather in the late 1800s and recently introduced at Greenmarket’s Windfall Farms stand, the heirloom root (which is actually a rutabaga, Gilfeather’s ...