Disease Identification Anthracnose can be found on all parts of corn throughout the growing season. However, the disease is most often observed as a 1) leaf blight or spot, 2) top dieback, or 3) stalk ...
The top kill phase of anthracnose may occur at any point above the ear from 4 to 6 weeks after pollination, while the lower portions of the stalk remain green. The top kill phase is easily confused ...
Thus, corn suffering from stalk rot will easily lodge, or bend when exposed to windy conditions common in Delaware (Figure 2). In addition, plants suffering from stalk rot have rotted roots, which ...
The 2023 corn crop in Illinois has endured ... Fields with top kill from the heat may still have good stalk integrity. However, fields with top kill from anthracnose are likely to have more ...
The disease overwinters in corn residue so corn-on-corn fields and fields with a history of NCLB are most susceptible. Anthracnose stalk rot in corn appears at pollination and is most visible just ...