Cow-calf production in the upper Midwest is not historically profitable every year without significant cost savings in winter ...
Stalk rots are one of the most significant set of diseases on corn. These diseases are insidious, and often growers are unaware of their effects until harvest. Low levels of stalk rot occur in nearly ...
By running corn heads low to the ground at the fastest ... but we’ve found that having the stalks feeding precisely into the center of the stalk rolls actually reduces grain loss,” he says.
European corn borer usually goes through two generations ... Most of the mature larvae will bore into the stalks, feed, and finish development there. Second generation larvae cause ear damage ...
Disease Identification Anthracnose can be found on all parts of corn throughout the growing season. However, the disease is most often observed as a 1) leaf blight or spot, 2) top dieback, or 3) stalk ...