You will still have to shell out the dough to get your hands on a core for powerful chips like those smartphone behemoths, but if your tastes are more modest and run only to a Cortex M1 or M3 you ...
Built on Incore's proprietary deep-customization stack for microarchitectural exploration, Calcite ... The Cortex-M3 processor is specifically developed to enable partners to develop high-performance, ...
This introduction marks the first integration of CAN capabilities with the revolutionary Cortex-M3 core. “Being ARM’s lead partner for the Cortex-M3 has given us the opportunity to really demonstrate ...
This feature – CoreSight Trace Macrocells – is also found in the lowly ARM Cortex M3 microcontroller. The Cortex M3 is finding its way into a lot of projects, and [Petteri] wondered why these ...