Life with Pigs is an animal farm sanctuary in Williamsburg, VA, and they have a lot of fun sharing videos about the animals ...
Even with their impressive horns, Highland cows are friendly and calm, making them easy to be around. But it's important to be careful and enjoy them from a distance, as getting too close might ...
“That doesn’t sound so bad.” “Our cows have horns.” “Oh.” Then that look exploded into Ollie’s eyes, the one that means another “Great Idea” just flashed through whatever he ...
Video shot by a passerby shows the roadway shut down as several law enforcement officers try to prevent one of the cows from walking onto the Interstate 95 ramp. Loud horns can be heard blasting.
Magic, a buffalo bull with 56-inch horns, was recently sold for R22 million at the Piet du Toit Wildlife Auction in North West. The bull was sold to four buyers.