Maintaining a healthy lawn can take a lot of work, and even more to do it so it doesn’t harm lakes and rivers. Traditional lawns often consist of Kentucky bluegrass, a hardy grass that can ...
Fine-leaf Fescues - (FF) Festuca spp. Fine-leaf fescue, or fine fescue, is an umbrella term to describe 5 species of grasses that all look very similar and identification is usually only possible by ...
Data from collaborative research at Purdue University and University of Minnesota investigating low-input sod production funded by ISDA/USDA-AMS shows promising results with fine fescue sod production ...
For shadier yards in cooler climates, creeping red fescue is a more shade-tolerant alternative to ryegrass. However, there are some important disadvantages to consider before growing tall fescue ...
Healthy lawns are work, and even more work to maintain them in a way that doesn’t harm lakes and rivers. Traditional lawns are often made of Kentucky bluegrass, a hardy grass that can ...
Red fescue (Festuca rubra) is a popular cool-season grass for lawns across the United States, but especially for shadier ...