Cuba’s military created Almest in 1994 to “provide real estate and leasing services to entities of the Ministry of the Revolutionary Armed Forces” and act as “principal investor” for ...
Wearing a pearl necklace, Diana Rosa Rodríguez Pérez, director of Orbit SA, poses with the company staff in front of its headquarters in Miramar, Havana. Previously, she was a high-ranking ...
Four compassionate students from the University of Medical Sciences of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (UCIMED) recently ...
Unlike in South Africa where Armed Forces Day this year came and went with almost no commemoration, Cuba, some 17 000 plus kilometres away, saw a ‘successful’ Armed Forces Day being observed. The ...
On Wednesday, Cuban armed forces welcomed the Russian Northern Fleet missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov with a 21-cannon salute ...
Rogozin said that the agreement was intended to help Cuba organize the modernization of its armed forces and envisages no military sales. "It’s not military deliveries, it’s methodological ...
Olawepo-Hashim highlighted Cuba’s critical military intervention during the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola in 1988, ...
The denial of basic civil and political rights is written into Cuban law. In the name of legality, armed security forces, aided by state-controlled mass organizations, silence dissent with heavy ...
but at least for now he has the support of his armed forces, which has really kept him in power. “I think Maduro relies on more than just the Cuban people around him to stay in power,” Ted ...