First prepare the cuttlefish (or squid – they are done pretty much in the same way). If whole, and uncleaned, do this in the sink as the black ink can make the whole process very messy.
Cuttlefish is quite difficult to buy as many fishmongers think it too inky and messy to bother with. You will need to be pre-order it unless you have access to a fish market. It’s available most ...
While cuttlefish shoot their tentacles out from a tucked-up position in lightning-fast bursts to grab a meal, squid grasp ...
Back in 2021, a test of cephalopod smarts reinforced how important it is for us humans to not underestimate animal ...
The Kingsbury Colombo invites all to celebrate the vibrant traditions of the Chinese New Year with a culinary experience like ...
Fresh, affordable tempura served hot and crisp at Tempura Hirao in Fukuoka – casual counter dining with exceptional value.